moodybreadcrumbs is a collection of all the lessons learned on my journey thus far. it’s the way back home to myself.

Life changes and evolves from season to season. I don’t want to lose any of the lessons I’ve learned. I hope they help you on your journey, too.


“Bliss is any feeling fully felt.”

Joseph Campbell

Here’s The Deal

Against all odds, I’ve organized my chaotic musings into three categories. Pick your poison, and enjoy.

I hope you find nuggets of insight and inspiration that help you on your journey.

If not, I sympathize with the time you’ve wasted here. I hope you make better choices in the future.


I think and reflect often. This is the collection of those that might be worthwhile.


I created guides for deeper guidance on a couple topics I’m passionate about.

Book Notes

The book notes I deemed most profound at the time I read them.